About Us

Accountancy Bulgaria

Discover what great assets
we have to offer you

Not only do we love to help self-employed people open their businesses in Bulgaria, but we also strive to help existing businesses grow. Discover here the greatest assets that you can expect from us.

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Cathedral Saint Alexander Nevski in Sofia, Bulgaria. Travel in Bulgaria
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If You Need Help, Get A Consultation

How We Help

Focus on your business, trust us for the growth and accounting of your business

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We Are Leading in Accounting Services

Solutions For Small & Large Business

We fulfill all customers' wishes

Not yet convinced? Request a free consultation.

Book your free 30 minute meeting with us here so we can get to know you and your company better and give you the best advice. The conversation and the information provided is completely non-binding, although we naturally hope to help your business grow.

Our Team

Meet Our Founder

Herman’s expertise in accounting, banking, finance, insurance, and brokerage has paved the way for him to establish his own business called “Accountancy Bulgaria.” With over 30 years of experience working in various countries, Herman has gained valuable insights and knowledge that he applies to his business operations.

As a highly skilled professional, Herman understands the importance of providing excellent services to his clients. He is dedicated to helping his clients achieve their financial objectives by providing tailored solutions to meet their specific needs. Herman’s passion for his work has led him to become a highly sought-after international business consultant, with clients from all corners of the world.

At Accountancy Bulgaria, Herman provides a wide range of services that include accounting, bookkeeping, tax planning, and business consulting. His expertise in these areas has helped numerous businesses achieve their goals and grow their operations. Additionally, Herman’s fluency in multiple languages, including Bulgarian, English, German, French, and Dutch, makes him an excellent asset for businesses that require multi-lingual communication.

At Accountancy Bulgaria, Herman is committed to providing high-quality services to his clients, with a focus on building long-lasting relationships. He understands that every client has unique needs, and he works closely with them to develop customized solutions that align with their goals. Herman’s dedication to his work has earned him a reputation as a trusted and reliable partner for businesses seeking expert financial advice and support.

In summary, Accountancy Bulgaria is more than just a business, it is a symbol of Herman’s commitment to excellence and his passion for helping businesses achieve their financial objectives. Through his expertise and unwavering dedication, Herman has become a valuable asset to businesses around the world.

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