Sole proprietorship in Bulgaria: Tips, Pros & Cons

sole proprietorship in Bulgaria

All the tips, pros, and cons of opening a sole proprietorship in Bulgaria. A detailed look into sole proprietorship in Bulgaria. If moving to Bulgaria was already an option being considered, as no doubt the landscape is enchanting, as well as the vibrant cities, long history, rich culture, and beautiful towns, it’s worth mentioning that […]

Bulgaria Flat Tax: how does it work?

bulgaria flat tax explained in a notebook

One of the main reasons that has put the country on the radar of companies and professionals, is the Bulgaria flat tax rate on personal and corporate income.  Initially, the idea of a 10% flat tax rate was presented as a way to stimulate taxpayers to fulfill their responsibilities without it being a burden, in […]

All you need to know about Bulgaria Company Tax

concept of Bulgaria company tax

There are many reasons that have put Bulgaria on the radar of companies looking to reduce costs and maximize profits. Not only Bulgaria has a stable financial system supported by government policies that have created an attractive business environment in the country, but Bulgaria also has a well-educated, multilingual, and cheaper workforce, not forgetting to […]

Bulgaria Withholding Tax explained

concept of Bulgaria withholding tax

Bulgaria has been on the radar for a while as a country with a lower income and corporate tax within the European Market, and with an optimistic and encouraging business environment, with a cheaper, educated, and often multilingual workforce, and many other advantages for companies and professionals considering moving to Bulgaria or opening a company […]

Bulgaria US Tax Treaty: the details

representation of Bulgaria US tax treaty with USA flag and word dices

Bulgaria has signed double taxation treaties with over 70 countries, guaranteeing a better tax scheme for foreign investors that will not have to be subject to paying tax twice. These treaties are part of what makes Bulgaria an attractive destination for natural or legal persons who operate in multiple countries and are looking to maximize […]

Bulgaria Self Employed Tax Calculator? Why you need an Accountant instead

Bulgaria self employer use a tax calculator

Professionals who are self-employed may find Bulgaria an attractive destination to set up their business operations, not only thanks to the famous 10% tax rate on income, but also due to its beautiful landscape, fantastic culture, interesting people, and vibrant cities.  As with many other countries, Bulgaria has seen exponential growth in the number of […]

Bulgaria Freelance Tax: The Complete Guide

a freelancer sitted on the floor calculating Bulgaria freelance tax

Freelancing comes with a lot of advantages. You can have your own working schedule or set up your office anywhere. Additionally, many companies are looking for outside workers for different kinds of projects, making the world we live in today especially inclined for freelancers to find success.  Bulgaria offers a particularly beneficial environment for freelancers, […]

How much is Bulgaria Dividend Tax? All the information you need

man calculating Bulgaria dividend tax splitting coins in piles

When companies issue a payment to their shareholder, the consequence of a distribution of the profits generated by said company in a given period, we are talking about dividends.  A company has different options when talking about dividends. They can either decide to reinvest the profit generated into the corporation, or it can redistribute this […]

When and how to ask for Bulgaria tax refund

letter dices forming the words tax refund Bulgaria

When it comes to tax refund, Bulgaria makes things easy. Let’s explain how. As a European country, Bulgaria has a tax called Value Added Tax or VAT for short. This tax is applied to almost all services and products bought and sold in the EU and while there are European rules for VAT, each country […]

Need a Shelf Company in Bulgaria? Here all needed Information

shelf company Bulgaria

Interested in starting to invest in Bulgaria? Are you looking into company registration in Bulgaria? This is the right time to open a company in Bulgaria, no doubt about that. Bulgaria has established itself as a tax haven in Europe, with an attractive business environment and the famous 10% flat tax rate for income and […]

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