Bulgarian Tax Calculator: here is why you need help

Bulgarian tax calculator

Bulgaria has been referred to as a tax haven in recent years. This is due to a simple tax system, straightforward and without loopholes and thanks to a flat rate of 10% on corporate income.  However, Bulgaria has also implemented certain rules and regulations that have promoted a positive business environment, making this European country a desirable destination for […]

Bulgarian Road Tax: Info and Tips

Bulgarian road tax

When we are talking about Bulgarian Road Tax, we refer to the sum of money paid to the government to maintain and repair roads, this is paid to the municipality of the address in the vehicle registration. However, it is often confused with the Toll, which is a fee to use certain roads and bridges.  Bulgaria has a […]

Bulgaria Property Tax: how much is it and how it works

real estate market and Bulgarian property tax

Thinking of investing in property in Bulgaria? Looking to start a company in Bulgaria and need land and building to do so? Are you considering moving to Bulgaria and settle down in this European country? Foreign individuals and businesses can invest in properties in Bulgaria, either directly or through a local registered company (company registration in Bulgaria is a rather […]

Bulgaria Crypto Tax and regulation

Bulgaria Crypto Tax and regulation

Bulgaria has a regulation regarding cryptocurrencies and, in fact, the income produced from trading or mining crypto is taxable. But, let’s start from the beginning… While most people have an idea of what cryptocurrencies are, there is also a legal definition which may vary slightly from one country to another.  In Bulgaria, virtual currencies are considered “a […]

VAT Number in Bulgaria: how is it formed and how to obtain one

how to obtain a vat number in Bulgaria

For those looking into company registration in Bulgaria or considering branching out into this potential market to take advantage of their many business opportunities and their low tax rate, getting a VAT number in Bulgaria is a must. It is indeed compulsory for a company to apply for VAT registration before the start of the business activities. In some […]

Tax Rate for Corporations in Bulgaria: the complete Guide

bulgaria corporate tax rate

Bulgaria has become a tax haven in recent years. This is due to the advantageous tax rate for corporations, an optimistic business environment, and an array of benefits meant to appeal foreign investors.  Bulgaria is without a doubt an emerging destination for businesses looking to have a European base.  This is mainly because of the […]

Cost of registering a company in Bulgaria: all details

Cost of registering a company in Bulgaria

It has become popular to consider Bulgaria as a tax haven and a particularly ideal destination for business, especially from international investors and entrepreneurs. The costs of registering a LTD company in Bulgaria are low when compared to similar operations in other European countries. With a very simple registration process of just a few steps, […]

Bulgaria Eood: what is this corporate form and why is it so convenient?

Bulgarian Eood for business

Businesses looking into setting up a company in Bulgaria have a few interesting options. Among the limited liability companies (LTD) we find the EOOD.  An EOOD is a perfect option for those looking into starting their business in Bulgaria, especially foreigners, who after obtaining their residency can register a LTD company in Bulgaria in some […]

All you need to know about the residence permit in Bulgaria

residence permit in Bulgaria form

Obtaining a residence permit in Bulgaria can prove to be beneficial for those interested in either settling down in the country, starting a business, or expanding an existing company.  In many ways, Bulgarian residency can open doors to new markets in Europe, offer better value for money, access to a cheaper labour force for companies, […]

Looking for a Bulgarian accountant in London? Look for it in Sofia!

magnifier on maps looking for Bulgarian accountant in London

Choosing an accountant in Bulgaria to do your corporation taxes and manage your company’s numbers is a very important decision for any business that decides to operate in Bulgarian territory and benefit from the tax scheme and financial environment this European country has.  This is especially relevant when we are talking about companies registered in […]

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